Saturday, December 15, 2007

Individual Action

There is no doubt that greenhouse gases especially (CO2) are affecting the global tempreture by increasing it, as a result the UAE Governmnet is trying it's best to decrease the amount of (CO2) in the local climate of the country by increasing and developing the green lands. On the other hand the Government also has supported some modern technologies such as hybird cars, solar energy, electrical-metro.. etc. And thess ideas aim to reduce the use of fossil fuels (oil energy). And the Government believes that the UAE Society can achieve a large amount of our it's ambitions and goals if the UAE individuals participate and integrate to work in such an eco-enviroment way. And I have a number of logical suggestions that may help in improving the current situation of the global warming in the country. The first one is a day without using the individual cars. And yet another one is that the government have to fines the people and the establishments that help in increasing the amount of pollution in our local environment.


Saeed Al_Katheeri said...

This blog has alot information about the global warming, and do think that the UAE will effect by this phenomenon?

Abdullah Al-Jaberi said...

what can u do individually to help stop global warming?