Saturday, December 15, 2007

What is Global Warming?

Large numbers of people don't know the real meaning of global warming, whereas others do know. Now I am going to introduce the real meaning of global warming. It is the rising in the average temperature of the Earth's surface air and oceans and this continuous rising in temperatures leads to several consequences, such as pollution, cutting down forests, hurricanes, etc. Although global warming has negative affects on our environment it has a common advantage for our planet land that it plays a role in keeping it habitable. The majority of experts and scientists proved that global warming is a real phenomenon and they have the evidence to prove that due to the fact that many changes have happened in the climate and as a result many places have been affected. And they expect that the situation can be worse unless something will happen in the future to solve the problem.

Global Warming Causes

There are two main causes, not just one, that lead to increase the global temperature and every day scientists find new way of causing global warming that is related to one or both of these two main causes. The first direct cause is is man-made which has the most destruction effect on our environment. This cause is represented clearly in burning fossil fuels, cutting down forests and yet another one is the population that increases the consumption of food, transportation, and expanding the agricultural lands, which help in increasing the global temperature. Another main cause is natural and it is represented in the concentration of several natural greenhouse gases such as, Methane gas (CH4) which release from the arctic and wetlands that plays a role in raising Global temperature, carbon dioxide (CO2) and other greenhouse gases. Another suggested natural cause of this increasing in Global temperatures is the variation in the sun radiation from time to time due to the amount of dust in the atmosphere and in addition to that is the regular earth cycle.

Greenhouse Gases

Greenhouse gases are considered as one of the main causes of the global warming and they can be observed in our environment by increase earth's temperature. The majority of these gases, such as carbon dioxide, methane, nitrous oxide, ozon, water vapor and chlorofluorocarbons come from both natural and artificial origins, but the most of them come from artificial way (human activities). One clear advantage of greenhouse gases is that they play a direct role in keeping our planet habitable. These gases allow direct sunlight to reach the Earth's surface especially the increasing of carbon dioxide in air, which heats up the environment and lead to global warming phenomenon.

Global Warming Effects

The effects of global warming on our environment are considerable which affect negatively on the humanity for example by expanding the range of tropical diseases such as malaria, lyme… etc. On the other side global warming affects negatively on the earth composition by increases the risk of flooding throughout making high levels of sea. And also global warming affects the National Security which impact the economical sitiuation in some countries especially the coastal cities. Human activities have been recorded to be the first direct cause of global warming effects as recorded over the last 50 years. Natural reasons such as sea level rise, agriculture and glacier retreat are causing the global warming effects by playing a deep effect in increasing the concentrations of greenhouse gases especially CO2 in the surrounded environment. Both global warming research and computerized methods of understanding global warming have improved since 1990.

Sea Level Rising

The rise in sea level is one of the main effects of global warming. Over the last 100 years, the global sea level has risen by about 10 to 25 cm as was said in the environmental program of the united nation. It is noticed that it is not easy to record sea level due to the vertical movements of the earth and other natural unclear factors. It is likely that the sea level is directly proportional to the temperature concurrent increasing over the last 100 years. Other factors are more difficult to be noticed, but it was observed from the high sea level rates that there has been a leaking in the big ice sheets of Greenland and Antarctica that supports the raising in sea level. The insufficient data about this ice sheet made it some kind of mysterious over the last hundred years. Finally I can say that sea level rise is a seriouse problem and goverments have to integrate to find some logical solutions.

UAE and Global Warming

The last ten years have been a phenomenal period for the progressing in the fields of environmental protection and wildlife management in the UAE. The evidence of this progress was clearly to be seen everywhere in the country. In 2003 the Emirates News Agency reported the obvious dangerous causes and effects of global warming to many low-lying Middle Eastern countries one of them was the United Arab Emirates. This report noted and proved that the UAE has two serious problems as a result of global warming one of them is desertification and the other one is high sea levels. And the study was made in 2006 and it said that said that the sea level in the UAE increased by 2.89%. Moreover, there are a number of studies which say that the local climate in the UAE will icrease in the future due to global warming which tells how the situation will be worse in the future if nothing has been done.

Individual Action

There is no doubt that greenhouse gases especially (CO2) are affecting the global tempreture by increasing it, as a result the UAE Governmnet is trying it's best to decrease the amount of (CO2) in the local climate of the country by increasing and developing the green lands. On the other hand the Government also has supported some modern technologies such as hybird cars, solar energy, electrical-metro.. etc. And thess ideas aim to reduce the use of fossil fuels (oil energy). And the Government believes that the UAE Society can achieve a large amount of our it's ambitions and goals if the UAE individuals participate and integrate to work in such an eco-enviroment way. And I have a number of logical suggestions that may help in improving the current situation of the global warming in the country. The first one is a day without using the individual cars. And yet another one is that the government have to fines the people and the establishments that help in increasing the amount of pollution in our local environment.